Out-of-Town/State Representation
Put our experience to work for you. Call now, 904-794-7898.

Experienced Local Legal Representation
for Out-of-Town Clients
Many of our out-of-town clients find us on the internet because they now live out-of-state or out of the geographic area of the litigation or, for any number of reasons, are subject to litigation and need local counsel to represent their interests in court.
Sometimes a client has been divorced or the other side may have filed a modification or initiated litigation in one of our local counties and local counsel is the best option.
We have the ability to represent out-of-town clients locally. We draft up any answers or pleadings for them and e-mail them directly. They can literally find us on the internet today; we’re appearing in court for them tomorrow.
We’ve Made it a Fast and Easy Process for Our Clients
It’s a simple and fast process, we e-mail the retainer agreement, client questionnaire and they make payment. Then tomorrow, we’re entering a notice of appearance and appearing in court for them. We have learned how to use the rules of civil procedure to effectuate things like allowing court testimony over the phone, instead of appearing. Or if clients decide to appear; we are able to meet with them and represent them effectively in court.
Put our experience to work for you. Call now, 904-794-7898.
Help for our Military Service Men and Women In Far Away Places
Michael Hines has represented soldiers that are on the ground in Iraq and Afghanistan. He’s talked to soldiers via satellite phone while they were off the coast of the Philippines and been able to assist them. Whether military veterans or the active-duty military, for that matter, we will assist them. If it is an Uncontested Divorce, all the documents can be drafted and filed in the county in which they lived with their soon-to-be ex. Or if you have a more complicated situation, we can help you handle your legal affairs here.
Michael Hines and his legal team have been able to effectively represent people that no longer live within the area and we can be effective legal counsel in the county where they find themselves in court.
Using the Sailor and Soldier’s Act, we can protect your rights while you proudly serve our country.
Are you from out-of-town or stationed far away and need experienced legal counsel here to protect your interests locally?
Attorney Michael Hines has successfully helped out-of-town visitors and families with issues and situations from fairly simple to logistically complex to the seemingly impossible.
Our Commitment to You
The Law Office of Michael Hines, P.A. has an outstanding team that is dedicated to providing you with the kind of legal representation you deserve. We have successfully resolved issues and situations from amicable and fairly simple, to logistically complex, to the seemingly impossible. We are ready and prepared to assist you in your case. We offer a free initial telephone consultation.