Do-It-Yourself Divorce

Put our experience to work for you. Call now, 904-794-7898.

The Truth About Do-It-Yourself Divorce

It may seem like the least expensive, fastest alternative to hiring attorneys: go online or get some forms from a paralegal service and do your Divorce yourself. After all, in Florida, Divorce is no-fault, so you simply have to assert that your marriage is irretrievably broken. Is there a reason to spend money on a lawyer?

Yes, there is.

At the Law Office of Michael Hines, P.A., we have seen the dangers of Do-It-Yourself Divorce firsthand. Time and time again, we have stepped in and helped to fix the errors that were made by well-meaning people trying to save money and get through their Divorce quicker. Unfortunately, fixing these errors ends up costing more and taking more time. We believe it is better to do it correctly from the start.

Put our experience to work for you. Call now, 904-794-7898.

Marriage is a Powerful Legal Institution

As a powerful legal institution, Marriage is not easily dissolved. Divorce must be handled carefully in order to ensure that the parties involved actually get what they think they are getting: a fair and permanent solution.

Unfortunately, simple errors during a Do-It-Yourself Divorce can cause serious problems. These errors can include:

• Placing a check mark in the wrong box on one of the forms
• Failing to file something in a timely manner or to make an objection in a timely manner
• Failing to file a required document
• Neglecting to address issues that may concern the court

Even something as small as using a poorly-chosen word regarding the marital home of the Parenting Plan can end up causing damage that is difficult to repair. At the Law Office of Michael Hines, P.A., our team of experts has seen the pitfalls and frustrations of Do-It-Yourself Divorce. We don’t want you to become a victim of this short-sighted thinking.

You Will be Held to the Same Standards as Attorneys

The courts in Florida are mandated to hold pro se litigants — individuals handling their cases on their own — to the same standards as Attorneys. You will be required to know the Law, whether or not you actually do. Once the final judgment is entered, the case is over. You may not get another chance to fix the problem.

If the working relationship between you and your spouse is strong enough that you would consider a Do-It-Yourself Divorce, you may be surprised at how economical it is to work with an experienced Attorney. At the Law Office of Michael Hines, P.A., we will be happy to review your case, ensure proper filings are made and provide the protection you and your children need as you begin to rebuild your life.

Why Hire an Experienced Divorce Attorney?

Considering how frequently divorces occur in Florida, you probably know at least one person who has gone through a Divorce at some point in their life. If it was somebody you were especially close to, chances are you witnessed firsthand just how emotionally trying and stressful these situations can be. If you now find yourself in this position, reflecting on the lives of others who have divorced can be a frightening thing to do, but fortunately, things do not have to be this way!

By hiring the right Attorney, you can make your life significantly easier as you embark upon this foreign and confusing legal process. While contemplating Divorce, or after deciding to Divorce, many individuals ask why they should hire a knowledgeable and experienced Attorney. The answers are numerous and there are many reasons why it can be beneficial to have representation from an experienced Attorney.

Everyone can benefit from hiring legal representation; there are some situations which will require that you get intervention from a lawyer:

• If there was a problem with abuse, mistreatment, or infidelity in your marriage
• If the marriage is ending on particularly bad terms
• If either you or your Spouse went into the marriage with a great deal of assets, property, or wealth, or if you accumulated significant assets over the course of your marriage
• If you have children, issues like Child Custody/Parenting Plans, Child Support, and Visitation/Timesharing will have to be decided upon and it is rare that two parents will fully agree on such issues
• Your spouse is being or has been deceitful, manipulative, or vindictive at any stage of your marriage

In the wake of such an emotional and life changing event, even the most stable people can behave erratically and unusually, so by having protection from a legal professional who cares about your interests can reduce the effects this behavior will have on your Divorce and your new life.

Attorney Michael Hines has successfully helped families dealing with very difficult and contentious Contested Divorce cases from the logistically complex to the seemingly impossible.

Our Commitment to You

The Law Office of Michael Hines, P.A. has an outstanding team that is dedicated to providing you with the kind of legal representation you deserve. We have successfully resolved issues and situations from amicable and fairly simple, to logistically complex, to the seemingly impossible. We are ready and prepared to assist you in your case. We offer a free initial telephone consultation.

Put our experience to work for you.

Call the law office of Michael Hines now at 904-794-7898.